Tsunami 1.7 - .WAV Player and Manager. Copyright (c) 1993 WizWorks! All rights reserved Portions of this program are copyright Microsoft ******** This release is ShareWare. Please read on! ******** WizWorks! has released Tsuami as ShareWare. If you find this program useful, you are expected to pay for it. For your donation, we will send you a registered version on disk which has no beg screen. The disk includes some unusual .wav files as well. We ask only $20.00 for your use of this program. We prefer cash (the green stuff) but if you write a check, make it out to "CASH" or leave the payee line blank. We also accept MasterCard/VISA numbers. Please include your full name as it appears on the card, the account number and expiration date. We keep no permanent records of MasterCard/VISA numbers. Send your fee to: WizWorks! PO Box 45 Girard, OH 44420 ******** This release is ShareWare. Please read on! ******** CONFIGURING -Environment From Program Manager or Norton Desktop, use SET PROPERTIES for Tsunami.exe, click on OPTIONS and set STARTUP DIRECTORY to the path which you would like showing when the program first runs (normally, this is the destination path which is usually your permanent library path. -Destination Path Set the path where your permanent library of .WAV files are kept. Pull down the menu and click on SET PATH AS DESTINATION. From then on, when you click on the "D" button or the "D=" menu selection, you will go to that path. This path is also where all your copies and moves will end up. (If you forget what it is, just look under the FILE menu). ----NOTE: Destination Path The DESTINATION PATH is something that needs special attention!!!!! Every file move and copy and every data base merge ALWAYS goes _FROM_ the current path showing in the directory window of Tsunami _TO_ the path that you have designated as the DESTINATION path. ALWAYS. If you are _IN_ the destination path, you cannot merge data, copy or move files. If you wish to prepare uploads and downloads or data merges having a different destination path from your usual one, merely go to that path and choose SET AS DESTINATION from the CONFIGURE menu to set a temporary DESTINATION path. To restore your usual permanent library path as the destination path, just choose READ CONFIG from that menu. See also "SWAPPING SOURCE & DEST." -Source Path Set the path where you normally Unzip downloaded .WAV files to. Pull down the menu and click on SET PATH AS SOURCE. From then on when you click on the "S" button or the "S=" menu selection, you will go to that path. NOTE: this is called the SOURCE path, but the source path for copies, moves and merges is always the path showing in the directory window which is not necessarily this path. The "S" button is merely for convenience giving you an easy way to get to your usual "new wave" directory. It does not have the significance of the "D" button noted above. -Play on Select Set the menu for Play on Select. If it's checked, each time you click on a .WAV file it will play. If it's not checked, you will have to click the Play button to play the selected .WAV file or press the ENTER key. Double Clicking on a .WAV file will always play that file. -Show Descriptions Set the menu for Show Descriptions. If you have a data base prepared for this directory of .wav files, this will show the description you have entered for each .wav file that's in the data base as you click it from the file list. This uses little memory, but does use some time since there is a disk access every time you click a .wav file in the list. -Hiding DOS Functions -Password Set the Show or Hide DOS functions as you like (set it for HIDE if you have kids or you'll lose .WAV files. Believe me, I know) Click then on Save Config in the menu. If Hide DOS is active, you will be asked for a password. If you enter no password, then switching from Hide to Show will just work (bad if you have kids). If you do enter a password, you will have to enter that password to Show DOS functions (good if you have kids). If you ever save with DOS funtions Showing, your password will be set to nothing and you'll have to enter a new one. If you ever forget your password, you can just look in the TSUNAMI.INI file for it and it will be there! (kids who are smart enough to look in the .INI file for passwords should be smart enough to not delete your .WAV files HO HO HO). Note that when you are asked for a new password, you can also "password protect" the database edit feature by clicking the checkbox. For each session with Tsunami, you need enter the PASSWORD only once to have access to all the functions. To reset the password protection, just exit and re-execute Tsunami, or click the READ CONFIG menu selection. Passwords can be any 8 characters. -Save Configuration Once you have Tsnami set up as you like it, Click on the SAVE Config under the CONFIGURE menu. Tsunami will write a file named TSUNAMI.INI in your WINDOWS directory. -Read Configuration If you ever wish to quickly get your startup defaults back again, just click on the READ CONFIG button. When this is done, it's as if you just re-started Tsunami which included resetting the password option. The only exception us that the directory in which you reside currently is not changed. NORMAL OPERATING MODE -Main Buttons GREEN ARROW [>] play selection RED SQUARE stop a .WAV or list DISK W/ PLUS [+] copy (ADD) selected files to destination path DISK W/ EX [x] copy (MOVE) selected files to the destination path then DELETE those files from the current path DISK W/ STAR [*] RENAME a file TRASH CAN DELETE selected file -Drive Box Buttons [..] back up one directory [:] root directory of current drive [R] refresh the file list in same path [S] go to default SOURCE path [D] go to DESTINATION path ----NOTE: Drive Box Buttons If the current path in the directory list matches your default source or destination directory, the color of the "S" and "D" buttons will reflect where you are. -Key Presses ENTER play currently selected file UP DOWN ARROWS select files in the File list ESC abort multi-copy or move processes SHIFT + DELete Delete currently selected file CTRL+R Rename currently selected file CTRL+M Move currently selected file or multiples CTRL+C Copy currently selected file or multiples CTRL+S go to SOURCE path CTRL+D go to DESTINATION path -Currently Selected File The "currently selected" file can be the top file in the list which is merely outlined and not hilited. If there are several files hilited, the "currently selected" file is the one which is outlined and hilited. The "currently selected" file may be out of sight if you have scrolled the File list box which is why it is a good idea to confirm moves and deletes. DOS FUNCTIONS -Delete File (SHIFT + DELETE) The TRASH CAN will delete the "currently selected" file (only the last one selected if there is more than one). Use this with caution. You should leave CONFIRM DELETES checked on in the menu since we have the OK button as default for deletes, it's easy to confirm before they go byebye. This also has another advantage. You can click on the name line and enter normal DOS wild cards for mass deletes (watchit!). -Rename File (CTRL+R) The DISK with the star (*) on it is the RENAME button. It does just what it says to the "currently selected" file and you can enter DOS wildcards here too (but that's always a bad move on renames). -Move File[s] (CTRL+M) The disk with the ex (x) on it is the MOVE button. This will move all selected files to your destination directory (in fact, all copies and moves will always go there). The source path will always be the path currently in the drive window. If you're on the same drive for the source as is your destination, the moves will happen very quickly. On another drive, they will be as a copy and the source file will be then deleted. This button as is the copy button is inactive if you are in your DESTINATION directory at the time. -Copy File[s] (CTRL+C) The disk with the plus (+) on it is the COPY button. It does like the move button, but the source files are not harmed. ----NOTE: DOS functions Both copies and moves will work floppy to floppy but you are not given an opportunity to swap disks if your doing "A:" to "A:" or "B:" to "B:" During copies and moves, you can abort the procedure by pressing the ESC key or clicking the CANCEL button. ----NOTE: Filename Conflicts On file copies or moves, if the source file exists already in the destination directory and you have Confirm Overwrites checked in the menu (a good idea), a confirmation box will come up. The name of the file in transit will be hilited and you can enter a new name for the destination file if you wish and it will have that new name when it gets copied. If you merely click OK and leave the name the same, the file that resides already in the destination directory will be overwritten with the new file. If you click SKIP, the current file will not be copied and the process will continue with the next file in the list. If you click QUIT, the current file, and any which are to follow, will be ignored and the procedure will end. In the confirmation box, you need not type the ".wav" extender since we nicely add it for you to every name entered in the name line. You can enter only 8 characters anyway. --------One/All Button When there is a name conflict, the warning box has a One/All button which is a special toggle button. When it is clicked, it will switch from black ONE to blue ALL. If you click OK while it says ONE, the current file will be copied and the destination will be overwritten if you've not changed the name. If you click OK while it's BLUE and says ALL, the current file will be copied (with a new name if you have entered such) but the confirmation for all subsequent files will be turned off (as if you had unchecked the Confirm Overwrites in the menu). This means that all subsequent files will be copied without an opportunity to rename or skip them before the destination gets overwritten (ie you won't see this confirmation box again for this series of files). SWAPPING SOURCE & DEST PATHS Normally, you would have your config saved with source path as your download directory and destination path as your permanent library. When you download, unzip to your "source" path, run Tsunami, then click on the "S" button. Test and copy files as necessary to add to your permanent library. However, if you're in a generous mood and want to prepare an upload instead, it's a little kludgy to set dest, set source and all that to copy files to your normal "source" directory from your normal "destination" directory. Tsunami's SWAP under the File menu makes this easy. Just click on this menu selection. Your normal "source" directory will now be the "destination" directory (and vice verse) and the menu will say "Paths are swapped" and the "WizWorks!" logo will say SWAPPED in RED to remind you. To prepare an upload, just click on the "S" button to take you to your normal "destination" which is now the "source" directory, copy files and merge a nice little description data base in the normal "source" directory which is now the "destination" directory. Click then on the "Paths are swapped" menu item to return to "normal." (What'd 'e say again????) It seems a little confusing, but it's really not. MULTI-PLAY MODE If you click Multi Play in the menu, the directory box will become a list box. In this mode, files can be transferred to the Multi Play List from the regular file list to be played in succession. You can save these lists for later fun! Some of the buttons change as listed below. -Operation in Multi-Play Clicking on a .WAV file in the FILE list box will select it. The PLAY (>) button will play that wave for testing. Double clicking a .wav file or clicking ADD will transfer it to the end of the current list in the Multi list box. If there are several files selected in the file list, the ADD button will ADD them all to the end of the play list. To remove a file from the Multi list box, click it and press the BACKSPACE key or click the [..] button. To clear the Multi Play list, click the [:] button. The little [R] button toggles repeat play on and off. -Playing Order Each time you add a file to the playlist, it is put at the end of the list. The list is played in the order that they appear. To change the order, you merely click 'n drag files within the visible Multi window to sort them manually, the file name of the file being moved will be up in the menu bar. Double clicking a file in the MULTI list will play only that file. Click the >>Play>> or REPEAT button to play the list when you have them in the order you like. While the sounds are playing, only the STOP and RED SQUARE buttons are active. Each will stop after the sound currently playing is done. Clicking on any active menu will stop the playing of the list. To exit Multi-play, choose Exit under the Options menu. Lists are saved with the extender .TPL for Tsunami Play List. They are normal text files which can be edited (but, of course, edit them at your own risk). -Buttons in Multi-Play [..] [BACKSPC] remove hilited selection from Multi-Play List [:] clear the Multi Play List [R] toggle REPEAT mode on and off [>> Play >>] or [Repeat] play the list [STOP] or [RED SQUARE] stop after current .wav is done [GREEN ARROW] or [>] works as in Normal Mode (test) [ADD] transfer all selected files to Multi Play List [S] SAVE the current list for later recall [O] OPEN & Load a saved play list (.tpl) DATA BASE MODE -Operation Data Base To enter descriptions for .wav files in your library, choose Edit Descriptions from the options menu. Each entry can be up to 100 characters long and there is a maximum of 3,639 entries per directory. The Play button is active as is the STOP button in data base mode so you can hear a .wav before you enter the description. If you click on the NAME of a .wav, you merely select that entry to view. If you click on the DESCRIPTION for a .wav, however, the cursor will move to the data entry box for easy editing. Edit the description as you please (CTRL+X will clear the entry box). Click ANYWERE else to store the new description, or press UNDO to restore the original entry text. The ENTER key will PLAY a .wav while you are entering text but will not disturb anything else. If you wish to actually store a line feed in the description, press CTRL+ENTER. Use keywords in your description to categorize similar types of .wav (such as STEREO or MONO or perhaps BELL or WHISTLE). -Find/Next Buttons The FIND button will let you search both the names and entries for any text string you wish to enter (here's where key words might come in handy). In Find mode, you can modify the description of an entry on the fly by merely clicking in the description box. Any changes will be stored. Follow the instructions in the box the first time you press FIND. -Exiting Data Mode To exit Data Base Mode and save any changes you have made, choose "EXIT- save any changes" from the Options menu. If you have modified any entries, the disk files will be updated with the new information. If you wish to abort without saving the changes you have made, click "EXIT - discard changes." ----NOTE: Descriptions Description entries are keyed on the FILENAME of .wav files. If you make several entries then rename the files that the entries are keyed to by name, the entries will be lost permanently. It's a good idea to settle on a FILENAME before you enter any descriptions and don't fool with the filenames after that. DATA BASE MERGE If there is a Tsunami description file in the current directory and that directory is not your DESTINATION directory (see special note about DESTINATION directories) then you can merge the descriptions from the current directory to your library data base in your destination easily. Just choose MERGE DATA from the Options menu. If you are preparing an upload and want to include the file descriptions with the .wav files, just put Tsunami into an empty directory then SET that empty upload directory temporarily as the DESTINATION using the Set Destination menu item under the Configure menu. Return to the original directory and copy whichever .wav files you wish to send to the temporary upload directory. (see SWAP SOURCE-><-DEST above for help on this) Then simply choose Merge Data from the Options menu and the descriptions for any files that have been copied to the temporary destination directory will be put into small .NDX and .DAT files there for you automatically! Once that's accomplished, choose Read Config from the Configure menu to set Tsunami back to your normal DESTINATION directory to avoid any mishaps, ZIP up the upload .wav files along with the .NDX and .DAT files that were created for you by Tsunami and you can send both the .wav files and the descriptions for those files to your friends on the BBS! Easy as cake! When your friends download the .wav files and your descriptions, all they need to do is unzip to an empty directory, copy the files they like then simply merge the new descriptions with their permanent library descriptions! Piece of pie! ----NOTE: Merging Data Data merge always takes place from the current directory showing in the directory window to the directory you have set for DESTINATION directory (see special note about DESTINATION and SWAP SOURCE-><-DEST above.). RECOMMENDED USAGE Tsunami was created so that you could test .WAV files before adding them to your permanent library. We all know that some folks will make a series of really lousy .WAV files to upload on boards for credit. Tsunami was designed to make it easy to download .WAV files or grab a collection of .WAV files and weed out the bad ones and keep the good ones. There is also the opportunity to upload descriptions of .wav files for easy merging with your library data base. The very easiest way to use Tsunami is to set your permanent library path as the destination (such as D:\WINDOWS\SOUNDS) then set the source directory to where you usually unzip your .WAVs (we use our normally empty RAM DISK path F:\UNZIPPED here at WizWorks!). Save Config. When you run Tsunami just for goofing around, set PLAY on SELECT as checked in the menu. Click the files to play. Or, click on the Multiplay Mode in the menu and make a Multiplay list to have fun with. If you're working with unknown files (ie just downloaded) for weeding out, turn off Play on Select then go to your source directory (or where those files reside). The top file in the list will be outlined, but not hilited. Hit the ENTER key to play that .WAV file that is outlined at the top of the list in the File List Box. If you like it, click the MOVE button or press CTRL+M and it will be moved to your permanent library! If you don't like it, hit the SHIFT+DELETE KEY and it will go to nanoland while the next file in the list will move up into the outline. Repeat the procedure! Easy! After that, simply choose Merge Data Bases if there were descriptions included with the .wavs, or go to your permanent library directory and make the additions to the database. Spiffy! To prepare an upload, just click the SWAP menu item under the FILE menu. Copy desired files from your permanent library to an empty directory and create a little description file using Merge Data. Then, SWAP the paths back, zip up the files in the upload directory and send them along! Neat! Cool! ASSOCIATIONS Using NORTON Desktop or Windows File Manager, set TSUNAMI.EXE as associated with ".wav" extenders, if you double click a "*.wav" file on the desktop, Tsunami will run, set the directory window to the location of that file and play that file. BONUS UTITLITIES Included here are also two little programs named "WAVEPLAY.EXE" and "WAVEHOLD.EXE" which, if you set up ".wav" files as associated with WAVEPLAY.EXE instead, will play any "*.wav" file that you double click in a drive window. NOTE: If you have an aftermarket program such as Wired for Sound or IconHearIt installed, WAVEPLAY.EXE may not work properly if you have a sound set up for the WINDOW CLOSE event. If this is the case, use WAVEHOLD.EXE which will freeze the system until the sound has completed, or unassign any sound for the WINDOW CLOSE event and use WAVEPLAY.EXE so the system won't need to freeze to play a double clicked .wav file. WHAT'S TSUNAMI MEAN? For the curious: "Tsunami" is a Japanese word for large ocean waves that are created by undersea earthquakes.